
สแกนเนอร์บาร์โค้ด Datalogic

Our brand is a representation of who we are to the world. It’s the embodiment of our image and reputation. Our vision, mission and values are communicated through our visual and verbal identity, creating and re-enforcing a consistent message every time someone comes into contact with us.

We help businesses become more efficient, by incorporating quality automation solutions into their processes. Whether it’s by helping them work smarter, faster or more effectively, our automation and identification technologies generate positive returns on investment.

But it’s not just what we do that stands us apart. It’s how we do it. We live by our values of openness, authenticity and determination every day.

It’s this customer focus, the way we’re approachable, accessible and thorough, together with our innovative products that helps make us the global experts in multi-technology automatic identification. Experts you can identify with.

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